Reseller Web Hosting Unveiled
The World Wide Web has become a key fragment of our everyday routine. Everybody desires to have their own website, whether for enjoyment, for socialization or commercial purposes. The shared hosting business niche is thriving. Why not take a share of the pie yourself?
What can you offer?
Most vendors provide Linux-driven web hosting solutions. Linux is a multitasking platform, which is very apposite for both dedicated web hosting and shared hosting servers. The usual reseller web hosting platform that companies offer is the cPanel one, since the cPanel web hosting Control Panel tool offers 3 levels of access - root (reserved for the host itself), reseller (that is where you come in) and user (for your clients). Although some do allow overselling, in the majority of the circumstances you are restricted by the web hosting server hard drive storage space and traffic quota limitations of your reseller web hosting plan. It is like a sphere, which you fill up with tinier spheres - when you have filled it all up, you cannot add more.
Promote VPS hosting or dedicated web server hosting plans
The greater part of the web hosting firms providing VPS hosting and dedicated hosting do not actually object if you use the VPS web hosting server or the dedicated hosting server to sell website hosting accounts. If you opt to resell hosting accounts utilizing a dedicated web server, you will have complete control over the whole machine, the ability to perform any configuration modifications you prefer and the possibility to keep an eye on all the customers hosted on it. The private virtual servers offer comparable features, but in the majority of the instances you cannot perform any kernel adjustments or adjustments, which necessitate kernel module rearrangement. The best CP tool that enables you to sell website hosting accounts using your dedicated web server or virtual web hosting server is, once again, cPanel, although you can also make use of DirectAdmin, depending on which web hosting Control Panel tool suits your preferences better.
What do you require to become a web hosting reseller?
In order to become a hosting reseller and kick off your hosting business, you need a web site, a billing software system, a merchant account with a payment processor such as PayPal, WorldPay, MoneyBookers, 2CheckOut, and so on, and an SSL certificate to make sure that your clients' info is secure when they make payments via your website when purchasing a product. Well-known invoicing platforms that you can make use of are WHMCS, AWBS and ClientExec. The guys at ResellersPanel, however, offer you a cost-free reseller web hosting account with all that included in it - a ready-to-use website, a billing software platform and even technical support for your customers. Their reseller web hosting program is without an analogue on the market, since they bill and support your customers on your behalf, and permit you to resell our hosting services without the need to purchase anything beforehand yourself. Additionally, they permit you to sell all their hosting products - shared web hosting solutions, virtual hosting servers, semi-dedicated and dedicated web hosting solutions. You can offer all of these to your customers via a ready-to-use design template. The profit you make is in fact the difference between their wholesale price and the price you fix yourself, so all you have to do is be a good marketing strategist and entice clients. If that is a bit too innovative for you, they still furnish shared cPanel reseller web hosting plans, as most reseller web hosting providers do, and you can always get a VPS web hosting server or a dedicated hosting server and split it into hosting accounts, which you can offer yourself. The bonuses offered by their cPanel reseller web hosting packages will render your reseller life easier as well - they furnish you with ClientExec in order to bill and support your clients, an assortment of web page skins and even a cost-free eNom reseller account. We have data centers in 4 countries - Australia, the States and Britain. It is a unique chance for you to spread your hosting business on 3 continents. What more could you desire?